
Do you think I should buy a Roomba? We currently have no vacuum, and I think it would be really cool if it worked.

We played around with these things in my first semester Engineering 100 class at the University of Michigan. We basically had to reverse engineer it… draw up detailed diagrams, explained its logic, etc. It was actually pretty nifty. The funny thing about that class is that the projects we were doing actually were being implemented. For example, a GPS Tracking System for the UofM Busses, a Social Networking Website, Wireless Internet Connections, etc.

One Response to “Roomba?”

  1. Emily Hambidge Says:

    I wouldn’t suggest one. My roomies and I had one in our apartment for awhile. It didn’t work as well as we wanted it to and the laser that was supposed to block it from entering certain places didn’t work that well either. Unless your carpet is really short it probably wouldn’t be as great as a normal vacuum.

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