Archive for the ‘Google Maps’ Category

Google Maps Real-Time GPS Tracker

Friday, July 22nd, 2005

Google Maps Real-Time GPS Tracker

More Google Mapping Fun

Tuesday, July 19th, 2005

The interface to Google Maps rocks! I’ve figured out how to overlay my own maps. I have a map of central campus buildings overlayed right now. Next, I’m going to try the UofM bus routes.

Other things in mind include mapping people from the facebook, and integrating with Mschedule.

Kyle Mulka’s Google Maps

Innovation Like Crazy With Google Maps

Monday, July 18th, 2005

Last weekend I was working a lot with Google Maps. They are so fun to play with! I’ve created several web services. Not all of them are ready to be released yet, but if you have a GPS unit, Garmin eTrex for example, and software, like EasyGPS for example, you can upload and view GPX files.

All of my maps services will be available through this address:

If you have any suggestions along these lines, feel free to leave a comment, or send me an email or something. Thanks.

GPS and Geocaching

Friday, July 15th, 2005

Its amazing what you can do with a coordinate system, especially when you have a device that tells you exactly where you are in that system.

Just last week I recieved my GPS receiver in the mail. I was so excited! I was excited to the point that I went out Geocaching that very next day. It is pretty sweet. Check it out! My first, and so far only found Geocache: John’s MONUMENTal Campus Tour

I also just received a cable to hook up my GPS to my computer so that I can do all sorts of crazy stuff with Google Maps , Google Earth, and the GPX file format.