AMERICAN HI-FI LYRICS – The Geeks Get The Girls

April 10th, 2005

“Tonight tonight, he’s gonna get it right
Even losers can get lucky sometimes
All the freaks go on a winning streak
In a perfect world, all the geeks get the girls”
-American Hi-Fi

Awsome song!

AMERICAN HI-FI LYRICS – The Geeks Get The Girls!

April 10th, 2005

This is a pretty sweet project that me and Matt Pizzimenti are working on. Check out the Map demo:

UofM Campus Maps


April 10th, 2005

On any unix or linux command prompt, type “cat /dev/urandom”. It’s fun to watch… but only if you are REALLY bored.

So, for example, UofM students can login to with SSH.

March 31st, 2005

JavaScript Fun!

purevolume | operationtwomanrockshow

March 30th, 2005

This is my buddy Andy’s rock band.

purevolume%u2122 | operationtwomanrockshow

Inference Group: Dasher Project: Home

March 24th, 2005

OMG! This software rocked my world for like half an hour. It is a fun text entry system that doesn’t involve a keyboard. You simply move the mouse towards letters you want to type. It also optimizes for commonly spelled words. So, this could be the future of cellphone text entry. Eyetracking and special needs uses are pretty interesting.

Inference Group: Dasher Project: Home

Teens ready to prove text-messaging skills can score SAT points |

March 24th, 2005

Doesn’t anyone value the sound, emotion, etc. of the human voice? What’s with text messaging? The only reason I do it is because it is cheaper, and they can read it later. It would be nice if when you called someone, it could just give you their away message. Oh wait, isn’t that what voicemail is? But, no one changes their voicemail…. dang.

Teens ready to prove text-messaging skills can score SAT points |

Rainbow Candle

March 24th, 2005

Woot! This is a pretty sweet candle.

Rainbow Candle

March 21st, 2005

I thought it was cool when my keyboard suddenly switched so that I could type like this. Let me know if this means anything. LOL!

ـيفص :س ـيخيضك ش �سحح حشمعبشعيث لأ وسمايخ لغ لن ولحح كتسو بق هسخخيهنحف لم فسبخ ىخسوكيخ< ٌخسىشىحف مسنث

Exploding Whale?

March 21st, 2005

I guess the story is true. There was a whale that was exploded…. with die-no-might!!!

Exploding Whale:

Exploding Whale